
I’ve been doing builds of OPNSense backed by HardenedBSD for a while. I have been asked to write a little tutorial on how I do it. By the end of this tutorial, you should have the knowledge and ability to create OPNSense builds based on HardenedBSD.

Please note that these steps are still not concrete. OPNSense is under rapid development and the HardenedBSD-based builds are still extremely experimental. If any steps do change, I will add an appendix with updated instructions.


I do the builds in a bhyve VM. That VM is running HardenedBSD 10-STABLE. OPNSense doesn’t support 11-CURRENT at the moment. Side note: I’m working with Franco to forward-port the base patches to 11-CURRENT. You will need to run HardenedBSD 10-STABLE in the build environment you’ll use to create these builds.

This tutorial will not step you through installing HardenedBSD 10-STABLE in bhyve (or whatever hypervisor you chose) as that is outside the context of this tutorial. You could even do this on bare metal, but I like to keep things separated into different VMs for different tasks.

Checkout “ALL THE REPOS!”

Before checking out all the git repos you’ll need, create the following directories:

  • /opnsense
  • /opnsense/builds
  • /opnsense/packages
  • /opnsense/sets

There’s a number of repos you’ll need to check out:

  • /usr/src: git://
    • branch: hardened/experimental/opnsense-10-stable
  • /usr/ports: git://
    • branch: opnsnese-master
  • /usr/core: git://
    • branch: backport/stable/15.7
  • /usr/tools: git://
    • branch: backport/stable/15.7
  • /opnsense/data: git://
    • branch: master

HardenedBSD-Specific Bits

HardenedBSD maintains its own OPNSense repos because HardenedBSD has not been able to upstream enhancements. Some of these enhnacements simply because the work doesn’t fit OPNSense’s use cases.

I’ve abstracted out all of the configurable bits. OPNSense requires certain variables to be set in a certain way or certain paths to exist. OPNSense also generates images based on Deciso’s appliance serial console settings, which don’t align with Netgate’s. In order to support both, I’ve abstracted out a lot of those settings and even added some basic function hooking support at image generation time.

The configuration files that HardenedBSD uses is at /opnsense/data, from the opnsense-data repo you just cloned. You’ll notice a file called common.conf, which all of the device-specific builds use. netgate-apu4.conf is for Netgate’s APU4 appliances and netgate-rcc-ve-4860.conf is for Netgate’s RCC-VE-4860 appliances.

Take a careful look at common.conf. There are file and directory paths that you’ll need to ensure exist. You’ll need a package signing key. Follow the pkg-repo(8) manpage for creating that key.

Performing the Build

OPNSense’s documentation states that you should simply be able to run make in /usr/tools. However, due to the changes I’ve made, you’ll need to go a different route.

Here’s what I run. Let’s pretend we’re building for the Netgate RCC-VE-4860. All these commands should be run as root.

  1. cd /usr/tools/build
  2. /bin/sh ./ -c /opnsense/data/netgate-rcc-ve-4860.conf packages base kernel images obj stage release
  3. /bin/sh ./ -c /opnsense/data/netgate-rcc-ve-4860.conf
  4. /bin/sh ./ -c /opnsense/data/netgate-rcc-ve-4860.conf
  5. /bin/sh ./ -c /opnsense/data/netgate-rcc-ve-4860.conf
  6. /bin/sh ./ -c /opnsense/data/netgate-rcc-ve-4860.conf
  7. /bin/sh ./ -c /opnsense/data/netgate-rcc-ve-4860.conf
  8. /bin/sh ./ -c /opnsense/data/netgate-rcc-ve-4860.conf

That’s it! By the end of the last command, you should have installer images built and ready to go. The and scripts will tell you where it placed the images.

NOTE: I don’t generate the nano images because I’ve seen some users have issues with those. I haven’t added the necessary hooks and patches to the nano image generation script as I have with memstick and iso.